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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

CATEGORIES OF RECIPIENTS - Our authorized employees and distributors; Our trusted business partners and service providers, where necessary, based on the information they need to perform their service, such as third-parties that assist us in providing IT services, to process payments, to ship goods, to help us with fraud protection, and to provide website analytics; Law enforcement and professional advisors, when so required or requested.

We do not offer or sell your personal data.

Linked Websites: We do not control links to third-party websites and are not responsible for their privacy statements. 

Profiling: When we send or display tailored communications or content, we use techniques qualified as “profiling” (i.e. any form of automated processing of personal data consisting of using those data to evaluate a person’s preferences, location and/or interests).

CALIFORNIA PRIVACY RIGHTS.If you are a resident of the State of California, you have certain rights under California law. California law permits California residents to request from a business with whom the California resident has an established business relationship, information about the types of personal data that has been collected about them and whether this personal data is sold, shared or disclosed and to whom, including the names and addresses of the third parties with whom the business has shared such information during the immediately preceding calendar year. To submit a request for this information, please refer to the “Contact Information” section of this Privacy Policy.

Data protection contact email: 

Data protection contact phone: 877-909-5274 ext. 8