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The One Ingredient Every Skincare Routine Should Include

May 13, 2020

Image of AquaBlur

When it comes to skincare ingredients, it’s easy to get overwhelmed quickly. There are endless options, yet every ingredient doesn’t work for every skin type, and they don’t always work well together. There is one exception to the rule though, and that’s Hyaluronic Acid.

Hyaluronic Acid may sound a little scary (acid!?), but it’s actually one of the most gentle ingredients out there, working to keep skin stable, healthy and rejuvenated. Here’s what you need to know about this powerhouse ingredient:

What is it?

Hyaluronic Acid is a humectant naturally-occurring in the human body. That means it can help retain moisture within the skin. Basically, it’s BIG drink of water for your skin.

How Does it Work?

Hyaluronic Acid works by penetrating skin and binding water to skin cells, in-turn infusing them with moisture. This amazing molecule is famous for holding up to 1,000x it’s weight in water, which can help make skin softer, more supple, and more plump, and who doesn’t want that?!

The Importance of Hydrated Skin

Keeping skin moisturized is one of the most important things you can do to help slow down the visible signs of aging. Besides consistent cleansing, moisture is one of the best ways to keep skin cells healthy. Healthy, hydrated skin is less likely to get irritated and breakout, and more likely to stay youthful and vibrant. Basically, Hyaluronic Acid is a no-brainer! 

What Else You Need to Know

Hyaluronic Acid is one of the few ingredients that can be used on all skin types – dry, normal, combination, sensitive and even oily, breakout-prone skin, which believe it or not can be dry, even when it’s producing break outs. No matter what type of skin you have, your skin will most likely benefit from the addition of this multi-functional ingredient.*  

If you’re ready to add this miracle ingredient to your regimen, we have the perfect product for you! AquaBlur Hydrating Eye Gel & Primer utilizes Hyaluronic Acid to hydrate, smooth, plump and protect the eye area. This multi-tasking product not only moisturizes, preps and primes, it also incorporates lash and brow-loving ingredients like Biotin to condition and fortify them during wear. Essentially, it’s the perfect do-it-all product and a great place to start when looking to up your skincare game, whether you’re a skincare newbie, or a self-proclaimed expert!

 Want to try it for yourself? Shop AquaBlur here.




*As with any ingredient, some people may experience an allergic reaction. We always recommend spot testing before using any new product.

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