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Eternally Pink - Our Philanthropic Journey

September 30, 2019

Image of pink ribbon that says eternally pink and pink pledge.

Established in 2006, the RevitaLash® Cosmetics story began with just one product – our original lash conditioning serum. Inspired by the immense love between our founder, Dr. Brinkenhoff, and his beloved wife Gayle, as a solution to help her feel beautiful during her courageous fight against breast cancer. Continually giving back to the cause that started it all has been a main pillar of the RevitaLash® Cosmetics brand. To honor Gayle’s courage and strength we created our Eternally Pink pledge to support breast cancer awareness, research and education initiatives year-round, not just in October.

As a global brand founded with a very personal mission, we are often asked about our monetary contribution from product sales – whether that’s a percentage or an actual dollar figure.  The simple answer is we don’t define, or even limit, our giving in that way. While we understand that question in today’s world, the question we ask ourselves is “what impact are we having on improving the lives of those diagnosed?”  Throwing money at a problem is often seen as the quick solution, but if the donation never makes it to the person who needs it most, that action is not effective, and we’ve fallen short.  Our goal is to ensure any and all support - whether mission, product, or financially driven – directly and positively impacts the individual and helps to make a difficult diagnosis a bit more palatable. 

“Philanthropy has always been at the heart of the RevitaLash® Cosmetics brand. We are very proud of our legacy and honor it with ongoing support for global breast cancer awareness as part of our Eternally Pink pledge. It is so near and dear to the entire RevitaLash® Cosmetics family,” says Dr. Brinkenhoff.

Read on to learn more about some of our pink initiatives – here in the US and across the Globe. 


City of Hope

The City of Hope, located in Southern California, blends evidence-based treatment with research, conducting hundreds of clinical trials which have led to four of the leading cancer drugs worldwide. Their multi-disciplinary care team of renowned scientists, doctors and nurses are patient advocates, making it possible to bring the latest discoveries in cancer care to the bedside quickly.

Gayle Brinkenhoff Breast Cancer Symposium

This October will mark our 5th annual Gayle Brinkenhoff Breast Cancer Symposium bringing global research scientists and clinicians together at the City of Hope campus in Southern California, to highlight recent developments, advances and best practices in the field, as well as recognize the potential impact of new developments for targeted, personalized treatments. The exciting breakthroughs, which are presented at the very same place that Gayle was treated for her illness, bring the future of breast cancer treatment, detection and prevention to life.

Positive Image Center

RevitaLash® Cosmetics has supported the Positive Image Center, located on the City of Hope campus, with our One4One campaign, where we donate a RevitaBrow® Advanced Eyebrow Conditioner for every lash or brow serum sold on during the month of October, totaling 1,600 units. This campaign has been incredibly successful, seeing a 22% yearly increase since 2016, which tells us we are touching more women and improving lives.


Breast Cancer Resource Center of Santa Barbara (BCRC)

The Breast Cancer Resource Center is a place to ask questions, explore options, and connect with a diverse community of survivors, lifers and thrivers. For more than 20 years, the women of BCRC have been dedicated to supporting and improving the lives of those touched by breast cancer.

Pink Lounge Gala

RevitaLash® Cosmetics has been a proud supporter of the Breast Cancer Resource Center’s annual fundraising gala. Turning emotion into action, this exciting evening consists of a live and silent auction that benefits the BCRC, allowing it to continue to offer vital support services and educational resources that benefit women dealing with the devastating impact of a breast cancer diagnosis.

Thrive Fashion Show

Our very own Co-Founder, Gayle Brinkenhoff, once walked the runway of the Breast Cancer Resource Center’s Fashion Show to raise money for the center’s free support programs. Guests enjoy lunch, tea, and desserts while the latest fashions are modeled by their very own - women who have been affected by a breast cancer diagnosis. Filled with shopping, a raffle and exclusive silent auction, the afternoon is uplifting and enjoyable for all. In honor of Gayle’s devotion and commitment to the center, RevitaLash® Cosmetics continues to sponsor and attend this fabulous annual event.

Ridley-Tree Cancer Center

The Ridley-Tree Cancer Center, located in Santa Barbara, has been at the forefront of comprehensive outpatient cancer care for more than 70 years. Ridley-Tree Cancer Center’s highly trained and devoted physicians and staff integrate the latest technology and treatment protocols with supportive care programs to provide patients with every opportunity for successful treatment, recovery and a healthy return to the activities that enrich life.

Beauty & Boutique

RevitaLash® Cosmetics is a proud supporter of the Ridley-Tree Cancer Center of Santa Barbara. In 2018, we unveiled a plaque dedicated to Gayle in honor of her courageous fight. This donation funded the Beauty & Boutique, which offers cancer patients beauty services, free of charge, to support women through the devastating physical effects cancer treatments can have. Their services include haircuts, wigs, hats and prosthesis.


Pink Program Global Giving

As a global brand, RevitaLash® Cosmetics is proud to expand our philanthropic efforts around the world through the “Global Giving” program. By partnering with our international distributors, we are able to donate to Pink charities with the goal of impacting cancer, and breast cancer patients all over the world.

New Zealand

In New Zealand, our distributor partnered with Look Good Feel Better, a foundation that provides opportunities for cancer patients to feel more in control and look more like their “normal” selves with tips, techniques and the tools to face cancer with more confidence. For every Pink RevitaLash® or RevitaBrow® conditioner sold, they donated a mini RevitaBrow® Advanced to Look Good Feel Better, totaling 1,000 units. They also partnered with Paddle for Hope, an event-based organization that raises money for and helps rehabilitate men and women recovering from all forms of cancer, donating $1 to the organization for every conditioner sold, totaling a $1,000 donation to the charity.


In the United Kingdom, RevitaLash® Cosmetics helped support Maggie’s Centre, a local organization that provides free practical, emotional, and social support to those dealing with cancer, along with their support group including family and friends. The funding helps staff their 22 centers with Cancer Support Specialists, Benefits Advisors, Nutritionists, therapists and Psychologists to help truly service the needs of those dealing with a diagnosis.


Our French distributor partnered with Étincelle, a charity founded 10 years ago by Betty Mercier following the passing of her mother to breast cancer. Betty founded a sanctuary in Montpellier where women in any stage of cancer could meet with professionals to help them on the road to the recovery, including social workers, onco-beauticians, nutritionists and personal trainers. With the RevitaLash® donation, Étincelle was able to create a new, fully outfitted beauty therapy room at their second location in Toulouse. The monetary donation was presented to Etincelle by Gayle’s son, Shane, during a heartfelt ceremony. Etincelle dedicated the room to Gayle naming it “The Gayle Brinkenhoff Room”, with a beautiful photo of her on the wall.

Join us in our efforts to eradicate women’s cancers, while inspiring beauty, inner spirit, and quality of life - a goal which is at the heart of RevitaLash® Cosmetics.




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